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Tag: homelab

Homelab observability with InfluxDB, Sensu and Proxmox

For a while now I’ve been looking to implement some kind of observability platform. I’ve been using a combination of Loki and Grafana for a while now, so utilising Grafana is preferred. Some of the goals for this project were: ingest data from proxmox get data from guest VMs create a dashboard that shows overall performance that can be drilled down After some investigation into some tools, I’ve landed on using:

Building a Terraform module to simplify IaC

I’ve been building my infrastructure in my homelab with Terraform for a while now, one thing that has always been a pain is finding an IP address that’s not in use and then creating a DNS record in pfSense. To solve the IP address problem I’ve decided to use Netbox. This will allow me to plan out the layout of the network and get available IPs using the API. I’ve decided the first step to address this is to create a Terraform module, this will simplify the code.

Building a selfhosted CA for my homelab

I run multiple applications in my homelab. Some within docker containers, some in Kubernetes and some running in VMs. Most applications support TLS or have it enabled by default but are using self signed certificates. This means I get a warning when loading the page. For external servers I’m using Lets Encrypt which is great, but not designed for internal use. In this post I’ll implement a self hosted Certificate Authority.

Building a home kubernetes cluster

Learning kubernetes has always been something I wanted to do. A recent job opportunity brought kubernetes back onto my radar. Hosted kubernetes is expensive, especially if it’s just for learning. In this post I’ll walk through how I setup a 3 node cluster in Proxmox. By no means is this perfect, I created this to learn. As the setup evolves and I learn more about best practices I’ll write new posts.